Tutankhamun’s Tomb and the Curse of the Pharaohs

Tutankhamun's Tomb

“The one who disturbs the mummy would not be left alive” – this seems to be the dreadful curse whose fear is still alive. Many of us are aware of the strange stories of deaths directly associated with the excavation and study of the Tutankhamun’s mummy since 1922.

Early Stories

Some believe that the curse came into its effect only with this tomb, but in reality, its first awareness was recognize in 1821 where a author in his book, The Mummy, mentions about an angry mummy who threatens the hero of the book.

Talking about a clearer picture, in 1869, Louisa May Alcott wrote a book on the curse wherein a surveyor uses a gilded mummy as a source of light for the pyramid’s interior. He finds some seeds there that he takes back to his home where his fiancee plants it for grotesque flowers. On the day of their wedding upon inhaling the scent, she goes into coma symbolizing the living mummy.

Beliefs Associated with the Realities

Talking about some personal experiences, in the 1970’s, a policeman protecting the Tutankhamun’s gold mask said that he could experience a mild stroke due to the curse.

Among the famous people who died, the first one was Lord Carnarvon who faced this lost due to a mosquito bite at the excavation site. All kinds of events were noticed supporting the curse. Died within few weeks, Carnarvon had received a public warning of facing terrible results for entering the sealed tomb by the novelist Mari Corelli. Further, at the moment of his death, the lights of Cairo suddenly went off, though it is common, and his dog, Susie, bawled and died simultaneously. Adding to the curse coming out as the reality, an inscription on the Anubis shrine, a jackal on a pedestal in the tomb’s Treasury mentioned:

“It is I who hinder the sand from choking the secret chamber. I am for the protection of the deceased.”

Following, many other unpredicted deaths followed stimulating the curse’s effect – all associated with the Tutankhamun’s tomb. After five months, Carnarvon’s younger brother died suddenly. Another death was that of pet of the tomb’s founder – Howard Carter, which was bird put to death on the day of opening of the tomb due to cobra. This was seen as the result of anger of the cobra, the Goddess of Wadjet, who was the protector of the pharaohs and could be seen on the brow of the king emitting fire at the adversary.

Despite all this, surprisingly, many people lived long after directing been associated with the tomb, especially Howard Carter, who had found the tomb. If the curse was true, don’t you think he should die early even before Lord Carnarvon?

The Intentions of the Pharaohs

The ancient Egyptians took great care of the tombs and so to avoid any loot, they set up deadly fungal spores before closing the tombs. In addition, they might have introduced bacteria, mould, and unsafe gases for protection and to discourage robbers, as these would result in immediate deaths.

The Real Note…

I believe that the curse is actually a boon for the pharaohs and to the current Egypt. This is because one of the earnest desires of the Pharaohs was that they should be remembered well and that for the Egypt, it has promised a permanent tourism.


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