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Iby’iwacu Cultural Village isn’t just an afternoon gateway after Rwanda gorilla tracking tour but an adventure that cuts through the historical values of Rwanda Culture. Rwanda visitors experience the best of Rwanda culture by engaging and watching Rwanda locals showcase different cultural aspects through performances and hands on events in memory of their traditional values and customs. The most...
Do you love to explore the ancient world full of rocks where history is carved on those giant rocks? Then Tsodilo is one of the best places for you. This place was inscribed in the year 2001 because of its unique religious and spiritual significance to the local peoples. Tsodilo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that lies in...
There are a few items on every tourist’s to-do list in Cape Town. Shopping / dining at the V&A Waterfront is likely to be one of them. This relatively recently developed part of Cape Town has most of what it takes to please your appetite as well as your mind (the part of your mind that loves a new...
Fes el Bali is a part and parcel of Fes, a third biggest city of Morocco. Fes el Bali, also known as the ‘old town’, is designated as World Heritage site by UNESCO. The city has around nine thousand lanes that consist of residential areas, workshops, markets. Blend of tiny streets as well as huge alleys, all the parts...
Lac Rose is located on the outskirts of Dakar and makes for a great day trip from Dakar. There is plenty to do and see in Lac Rose, not least of all the pink lake.
Be warned, though, that Lac Rose does not always appear pink. Try to visit on a day that is not windy if you want to...