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Africa is a great place to enjoy a holiday. To those seeking a vacation of a lifetime in the tropics, there are many amazing places to visit within this continent.
1. Abu Simbel in Egypt
The two temples at Abu Simbel Egypt are best known for two reasons: their dazzling magnificence, and their historic relocation from their original cliff.
These monumental temples...
Egypt has a rich culture and a long history. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Taba. Walking among lush gardens, gazing at the uniquely styled buildings, or meandering along dusty avenues, one can easily imagine taking a step back in time to days of magic and miracles. Ancient ruins resting quietly in the baking desert sun give the...
Egypt is famous for its 34 museums which are divided in to national, local, contemporary and site categories. The Egyptian museum is the national museum. It has huge collection of antiquities. There are almost 120,000 ancient Egyptian antiquities in this museum. The National Museums have collections of specific period of the Ancient Egypt. El Mathas El Massry was in...
Could Uganda be the Garden of Eden that the bible talks about?.
Many scholars have attempted to locate this mysterious garden but all in vein, what only appear are speculated areas with no sufficient proof.
Archaeologist Dr Juris Zarins of Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield in his Eden theory when writing of Saudi archaeology (September 1983), believed that he had...
Africa is a place where you can experience the ancient days. Africa is a set of historical monuments and if I talk about the caves of South Africa, no doubt, it will be endless. When tourists plan to visit South Africa, their initial locations on the list remains of Cape Town, Winelands, Robben Island or the Garden Route. But...
For those who suffer through the dreary cold and dark winters of the northern hemisphere, it is a comforting thought that the sun always shines somewhere in Africa. South Africa is at its peak of summer in February. However, for the ultimate sun holidays you may wish to aim for a destination that has the highest chance of sunshine...
There are a few items on every tourist’s to-do list in Cape Town. Shopping / dining at the V&A Waterfront is likely to be one of them. This relatively recently developed part of Cape Town has most of what it takes to please your appetite as well as your mind (the part of your mind that loves a new...